About Uncovering Potential

Uncovering Potential About Us
— about uncovering potential —

We've Been There Before

For high school athletes, finding a college can be difficult. Players struggle to gain necessary exposure by college coaches and often spend a significant amount of time and money in an effort to gain that exposure.

Traditionally, players invest in 3 different potential exposure opportunities: travel baseball/softball, showcases, and college camps.

Travel baseball/softball can cost hundreds to thousands of dollars to join, and the cost of travel can be burdensome as some teams play a national tournament schedule. These tournaments can consist of several games over only a few days and do not guaranteed the player that they will be seen by college coaches or scouts. In speaking with college coaches, some coaches may attend part of a tournament to see one specific player play but are left frustrated after only watching a tired version of that player.

Showcases and college camps often promise exposure in front of college coaches or representatives but do not guarantee that the coaches are looking for the position that they are trying out for. Furthermore, many showcases and college camps end once the event is over.

Isaiah Pitching
— recruiting —

Recruiting isn't a player only problem

Just as college recruiting can be difficult and cumbersome for the players, many college coaches often experience difficulties in finding players. Different levels of colleges are hamstrung by recruiting rules and regulations. A player’s academics, desired major, and geographic location can drastically affect whether or not a college would be successful in recruiting as well as retaining a player.
— why we started uncovering potential —

We're a little different

Uncovering Potential aims to provide accurate and appropriate data on players and then present that information on a platform for coaches to review. Uncovering Potential will not be monolithic in only presenting a player’s athletic abilities but will also provide the player’s academic information as well. By giving each player their own playing profile with verified, quantitative data (such as speed, exit velocity, arm strength, POP time, playing video, etc.) and academic information that can be continuously updated and amended, players are able to find suitable colleges and colleges are able to make more educated decisions in reaching out to potential recruits.

E=MC2 Strings

The E=MC² tennis string brand is engineered and produced in the European Union (EU), under stringent materials and quality scrutiny. The E=MC² product and manufacturing processes exceed all international Tennis Industry Association’s (TIA) ,Quality, Density, Dimensional and Weight specifications guidelines. The string’s base material composition is the widely preferred polyester, targeting greater playability control, durability and power. The E=MC² brand sets a new industry standard of string playability.

We design our strings in house and ship them to other tennis clubs, facilities, and players around the country. If you’d like to purchase our trademark strings, contact us using the button below.

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— our team —

Meet the Family Behind Uncovering Potential

Dave Herbster

Dave Herbster, MM


hannah Swarzentruber, Assistant Softball Coach at University of Northwestern OHio, MAA


Quentin Herbster, MBA


Katrina Herbster, ACE CHC, NASM CPT

— upcoming events —

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