Addy Smigielski


Player Information

About: Addy loves to be able to help those around her. She is constantly putting the needs of others ahead of herself. Addy has also found a passion for dentistry and is constantly striving to learn more about it.

Location: North Liberty, Indiana

Birthday: December 10, 2009

Graduation Year: 2028

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 165

Bats: Right

Throws: Right

Primary Position: OF

Secondary Position: MIF

Travel Team: Mystique

High School: John Glenn High School


Interest of Study:

Contact Addy Smigielski

Showcase Stats:

Saint Joseph High School

Home to 1st Time: 3.34 seconds

Home to Home Time: 13.50 seconds

Overhand Arm Strength: 48 mph

Exit Velocity: 67 mph

Showcase Videos