Player Information
About: Carmen loves to spend time outdoors where she hunts, fishes, and goes camping. She is an active member in fair where she shows pigs. Carmen is a multi-sport athletes and plays basketball and volleyball along with softball.
Location: Bridgmen, Michigan
Birthday: March 16, 2009
Graduation Year: 2028
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 160
Bats: Right
Throws: Right
Primary Position: SS
Secondary Position: 2B
Travel Team: Mystique
High School: Bridgman High School
Interest of Study: Education
Contact Carmen Ernsberger
Showcase Stats:
Saint Joseph High School
Home to 1st Time: 3.38 seconds
Home to Home Time: 13.10 seconds
Overhand Arm Strength: 54 mph
Exit Velocity: 71 mph