Elliana Gonzales

P • 2B

Player Information

About: Elliana is an active member of her school. She is part of her class cabinet where they organize many events for the school including dances and different fundraisers. She also enjoys being creative through her painting and paper mache.

Location: South Bend, Indiana

Birthday: April 9, 2008

Graduation Year: 2026

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 157

Bats: Right

Throws: Right

Primary Position: P

Secondary Position: 2B

Travel Team: Mystique

High School: Riley High School

GPA: 3.4

Awards & Accomplishments: Most Improved in 2024, Freshman of the Year 2023, Had 149 K's her freshman season

Interest of Study: Medical Field

Contact Elliana Gonzales

Showcase Stats:

Saint Joseph High School

Home to 1st Time: 3.56 seconds

Home to Home Time: 14.63 seconds

Overhand Arm Strength: 58 mph

Exit Velocity: 69 mph

Pitching Stats:

Fastball: 57 mph

Curveball: 57 mph

Change Up: 40 mph

Riseball: 55 mph

Dropball: 51 mph

Showcase Videos