Emily Tinsley

C • 3B

Player Information

About: Emily is an active member in her school show choir and attends youth group at her church. She also did an internship in athletic training and is always striving to learn and grow.

Location: Goshen, Indiana

Birthday: June 19, 2009

Graduation Year: 2027

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 160

Bats: Right

Throws: RIght

Primary Position: C

Secondary Position: 3B

Travel Team: Mystique

High School: Fairfield High School

GPA: 3.86

Interest of Study: Athletic Training/ Exercise Science

Contact Emily Tinsley

Showcase Stats:

Saint Joseph High School

Home to 1st Time: 3.34 seconds

Home to Home Time: 13.91 seconds

Overhand Arm Strength: 51 mph

Exit Velocity: 68 mph

Catcher Pop Time: 2.28 seconds

Showcase Videos