Riley Paveza

1B • OF

Player Information

About: Riley is an active member in her school where she is part of DECA and plays volleyball. She also loves to stay busy with creating art and finding time to read.

Location: Bridgeman, Michigan

Birthday: September 24, 2008

Graduation Year: 2027

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 155

Bats: Left

Throws: Left

Primary Position: 1B

Secondary Position: OF

Travel Team: Mystique

High School: Bridgman High School

GPA: 3.83

Awards & Accomplishments: 1st Team All-District, All-Division Honorable Mention, Principle Honor Roll

Interest of Study: Law or Sports Medicine

Contact Riley Paveza

Showcase Stats:

Saint Joseph High School

Home to 1st Time: 3.19 seconds

Home to Home Time: 12.47 seconds

Overhand Arm Strength: 55 mph

Exit Velocity: 69 mph

Showcase Videos